Stories of homelessness have never been told like this before. Shelter has joined forces with conceptual fashion designer Jo Cope for the Shoes Have Names art exhibition. As part of London Craft Week, this free exhibition was held at our wonderful flagship Shelter Boutique shop in Coal Drops Yard, in October 2020.
The show featured a collection of handmade artworks inspired by the personal experiences of real people facing homelessness. Ten international artists, shoemakers and designers were paired up with a person that Shelter has helped through its frontline services. From shoes made out of an old sofa, to the use of the latest CAD software and 3D printing, you can explore the journey of the art and the show on the Shoes Have Names blog.
Show update. Shoes Have Names has gone international. We’re delighted to announce it’s now on show in Belgium at Z33 House for Contemporary Art, Design and Architecture, and is part of the Fitting In exhibition. It will be there until 26th of February 2023. Afterwards, we hope to show it again in a Shelter shop. watch this space!